Mai schimbam si noi obiectul de activitate in sezonul de iarna. Asadar, daca aveti evenimente corporative la care vreti sa vina mai mult de un mos, scrieti la contact. Sau daca aveti o fetitza (peste 18 ani, as zice chiar peste 21, mind you) careia vreti sa ii faceti o surpriza ca a luat note bune la facultate, Ionut poate sa ofere un elvish private dance. :))
Verde de la TreeWorks (sau green is the new red – era si inainte pentru daltonisti, de fapt)
In the aesthetic sphere, people make enjoyment the center of their lives.
Such an aesthetic response is characteristic of the Net surfer for whom information gathering has become a way of life. Such a surfer is curious about everything and ready to spend every free moment visiting the latest hot spots on the Web. He or she enjoys the sheer range of possibilities. For such a person, just visiting as many sites as possible and keeping up on the cool ones is an end in itself. The qualitative distinction that staves off levelling for the aesthete is the distinction between those sites that are interesting and those that are boring, and, thanks to the Net, something interesting is always only a click away. Life consists in fighting off boredom by being a spectator at everything interesting in the universe and in communicating with everyoane else so inclined. Such a life produces what we would now call a postmodern self – a self that has no defining content or continuity but is open to all possibilities and to constantly taking on new roles.
la multi ani, multa sanatate si fericire, succes deplin si implinirea tuturor dorintelor.
Iar nu gasesc adresa ta de contact pe site asa ca iti urez Sarbatori fericite prin intermediul comentariilor. 🙂
Pana la urma e o modalitate destul de potrivita, avand in vedere ca motivul pentru care vreau e sa iti urez e tocmai faptul ca imi plac insemnarile tale.
Momente placute alaturi de cei dragi, carti cat mai bune in jurul tau, discutii inteligente… si tot ce iti mai doresti tu. 🙂
Sarbatori fericite!
site-ul tau are mici probleme 🙂
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